Terms and conditions:
Intellectual property and copyrights

These Terms and conditions: Intellectual property and copyrights are for your information and assistance and in no way replace all of the Website Terms and Conditions which are available at https://weldaustralia.com.au/terms-and-conditions/.

1 Intellectual property and copyrights

Weld Australia hold the copyright or otherwise have the rights to the content of this Website, including all uploaded files, layout design, data, graphics, articles, file content, codes, news, tutorials, videos, reviews, forum posts and databases contained on the Website or in connection with the Services. You must not use or replicate our copyright material other than as permitted by law. Specifically, you must not use or replicate our copyright material for commercial purposes unless expressly agreed to by Us, in which case we may require you to sign a Licence Agreement.

If you wish to use content, images or other of our intellectual property, you should submit your request to us using Contact Details provided in these Terms and Conditions.

(This information is included at clause 6: Intellectual property and copyrights in the Website Terms and Conditions.)

2 Files downloadable from this website

Technical Notes and other resources are made available to the welding industry and others for education and assistance and Weld Australia makes every effort to provide comprehensive, timely and practical information.

For the sake of clarity, Weld Australia holds the copyright over all files downloadable from this website, whether at a cost or free of charge to the user.

3 What can I use without permission?

Technical Notes and other resources are available for reference by the user, whether individual or corporate, for research, study or review; reporting news; enabling access by a person with a disability; of for professional legal advice.

The Australian Copyright Act allows certain uses of content from the internet without the copyright owner’s permission including use by educational institutions and by Commonwealth and State governments. In these cases, the copyright owner is entitled to receive fair compensation either through licensing schemes managed by the Copyright Agency or otherwise.

4 When do I need permission?

You may not reproduce or use any of the content in whole or in part from this website, including the downloading files, without the copyright owner’s permission. This applies whether or not you are deriving any profit or benefit from the use of the content either privately or in a business.

If you would like to reproduce or use any of the content in whole or in part from the website, including the downloadable files, please direct your request in writing to office@weldaustralia.com.au. You request should include the name, Australian Business Number (if applicable) and location, as well as specific information about where and how you would like to use the material.

Should Weld Australia grant a licence to use the copyright material, that licence will be in writing and may specify the duration of the licence, the part or parts of the copyright material which may be used, and where and how it the copyright material may be used.

5 Contact

Weld Australia
Suite G1, Ground Floor
25 Ryde Road
Pymble, NSW 2073, Australia

Email: office@weldaustralia.com.au
Phone: 1800 189 900

Date of publication July 2022
